Sycamore Island on the San Joaquin River
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Activities?  Meaning what in the world can you do here?
Well ..... we don't have rides or slides but we do have picnic tables.  This really is a rustic area.  Most people come here to fish the ponds and the river for the day.  In the warmer months people used to come in and camp overnight.  The hardcore cat-fishermen would be up all night with bug nets on their heads and Art Bell on the radio in little pools of lantern light here and there.  There is quite a bit of birdwatching and people on bikes roaming about.  And lately I've seen some come in on horseback.  I kind of like that. Some just come and sit about and smoke and yuk it up with us for a few hours in the bait house.  It stays pretty quiet as we neither want nor encourage any off-road vehicles or dirt bikes. It is mostly folks coming down to spend some time on the river before it's all gone and either developed or cordoned off from access by selfish landowners and conservationist urbanites that want to preserve and reserve the river from everyone but themselves.  A bit of a back-water, really. 


Like to geocache, letterbox or orienteer?  Check out the secret hidden treasures in the park.................

A beaver?
These little fellas chop down trees up to 5 inches thick with their teeth