2010 Sorry folks -ALL adult events cancelled by order of the San Joaquin River Conservancy. NO group of over 400
is welcome. Despite the areas' track record and the blessing of Madera County, the SJRC Board has ruled is it
unsafe, inappropriate and inadequate.
Even a smaller group (between 40 and 400 people) will have to petition the Board and await further study and committee
meetings to even consider using this area. Groups under 40 in number are okay as long as they neither serve nor provide
alcohol. Complaining at the Bait Shop will not help! Please direct your petitions and comments to Melinda Marks,
CEO of the San Joaquin River Conservancy.
March - Fantasy Fair - CANCELLED
May - Queen Bess and the Pirates Festival
November - Renaissance Faire - CANCELLED

November 28, 2008 Sycamore Island was proud to host the most authentic large-scale Renaissance Faire in California.
Complete with live jousting, pumpkin-tossing trebuchettes, live music, and a full village of medievally clad rogues, wenches
and nobility. Complete with nearly 30 boothes selling period wares and live entertainment and re-enacted battle scenes,
fun was enjoyed by all. Approximately 1700 people attended the 2 day event, without any mishap whatsoever.
Oddly and surprisingly,the following month the San Joaquin River Conservancy Board of Directors, none of whom came
to the event, voted 8 to 1 against any future faires, UNLESS they could be done without the ale, mead or beer boothes,
despite their being triple-insured and bringing in a 20 man security team. The Faire promotors, rather than have their
event re-structured by folks that wouldn't attend anyway, and fearing loss in revenue towards their fundraiser (Catholic Charities),
and the ostracising of 3 popular booths, have moved their location BACK to Kearney Park for this year (November 2009),
even though the usage fees are much higher. It marked a sad day here on the river and among faire-goers and faire participants
- all of whom prefered the North Fresno location and river environment.
But at least we got one good faire in, and who knows? Perhaps in the future we may "ride again".
Site Map for vendors and Participants
More Details from the Guild
Visit Saint Henry's Guild
Visit St. Giles Guild
Questions: call Steve at 559-696-9170